Feel Better Look Better Be Better
Recommended Initial Therapy Schedule:
3-4 sessions per week for 4-6 weeks
Results generally beginning to show after 3 weeks depending
on desired results
Maintenance Therapy Schedule:
After initial treatment, a maintenance schedule of 2-3
sessions per week ongoing. Results vary for each individual therefore ongoing treatments may differ depending on desired results.
Benefits of Red Light Therapy
*Anti-Aging Effects for Skin & Hair Loss
*Improve Collagen Production
*Reduces Cellulite Formation
*Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines
*Prevents and Repair Acne and Scarring
*Improve Psoriasis and Eczema
*Reduces Pore Size
*Lightens Age Spots and Under-eye Circles
*Repairs Damaged Skin
*Firming &Toning
-Boosts Collagen Production & Elastin Production
-Reverses Signs of Aging, Scars, Stretch Marks, and
Sun Damage
-Clears Acne, Eczema, and Psoriasis
-Relieves/Reduces Joint Pain, Body Pain, Inflammation, Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia
Red light therapy is rapidly becoming one of the most sought after skin care treatments.
Photo Rejuvenation or Red Light Therapy discovered by NASA, researched and used by NASA, Mayo Clinic, National Institute of Health, US Military, plus many more and also FDA approved.
Wound Healing &Tissue Repair
Red light therapy has been shown to positively affect skin cells through regeneration of fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and modulation of immune cells all found within skin tissue
Anti-Aging Effects for Skin & Hair Loss
Red light therapy can significantly improve skin complexion, improved skin tone, improved skin tone, improved texture/feeling, reduced skin roughness, reduced signs of wrinkles and fine lines, and increases collagen density
Improved Joint &Musculoskeletal Health
Red light therapy is being used to treat arthritis symptoms due to its capability of stimulating collagen production and rebuilding cartilage
Reduced Depression and Fatigue
Increased Immunity & Reduced Side Effects of Cancer Treatments
~Reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and cellulite
~Heal sun damage, dark spots, and scars
~Reduce the number of acne breakouts and the appearance of
~Provide pain relief from arthritis, chronic and acute pain,
joint pain, and tissue and nerve damage
~Improve blood circulation and aid in managing high blood
~Decrease the healing time after injuries
~Release endorphins, providing a soothing effect
~Stimulating DNA/RNA synthesis
~Activating the lymphatic system, an important part of our
immunes system that helps carry waste out of the body
~Increasing blood flow/circulation, thereby helping bring more
oxygen and nutrients to our cells and tissues
~Repairing and restoring damaged soft connective tissue